Desrciption of the main activities and actions taken by the Save
Energy Program (Spring 1998)
Bulletin Energy Money and Environment
Until number 6th we were issuing bulletin Energy Money Environment. The
issuing of the bulletin is now temporary suspended but we plan to resume
this activity on summer 1988
Establishment of the Energy Advisory Office in Krakow
We are making efforts to establish EAO in Kraków. The first problem here
is to obtain the bureau area. Until now we managed to close all application
procedures, however we didn't obtain the bureau from Municipality yet due
to the shortage of the appropriate room.
Involvement in the SCORE Program
Software for the Energy Advisory Office
We developed computer-based program for thermal audit of private houses.
The program will be used in EAO's. There is a chance that it will be also
used in application procedure for refurbishment loans according to the
refurbishment bill (after KAPE approval)
Informative materials for EAO's
Preparation of the training materials for people working
in EAO's. The materials are divided into four independent sections:
Preparation of the training concept for energy leaders
Preparation of the system designed to collect information
about companies dealing with energy conservation
Preparation of the brochure "How to establish EAO's"
Building positive image of energy conservation in Poland
Preparation and conduction of the seminar "Building positive image of energy
conservation in Poland" (10-11 of December 1997). The seminar was prepared
with co-operation with PELP and Kraków Academy of Art
Rationalisation of Energy and environment usage
15-16 October report and preparation of plenary session on the role of
NGO's in energy conservation which took place at the fifth Conference "Rationalisation
of Energy and environment usage"
SCORE program PK6
Consultations and collaboration in building PK6 program titled "Change
of the social attitudes towards Energy Conservation". Consulting during
the realisation phase of the program. Preparing the statistical software
for analysis of the obtained data. Program PK6 is one of the SCORE priorities
in Radom area.
Lobbing and political support for Energy Conservation
In order to accomplish this task we proposed two candidates for the member
in Rada Konsultacyjna Przy Prezesie Urzędu Regulacji Energetyki, namely:
prof.dr Krzysztof Żmijewski and dr Andrzej Kassenberg. Rada Konsultacyjna
Przy Prezesie Urzędu Regulacji Energetyki is directly subjected to the
Polish Prime Minister.
We supported the termorenovation law by the analysis of its influence on
the environment.
(The analysis was made by Marek Zaborowski). The results of the mentioned
analysis were cited in the press and will be probably attached to the bill.
Preparation and realisation of the information campaign in media - December
Co-ordination of activities and the attempt to restructure Polish Ecological
Club Energy Project.
Co-operation in building of the the program for the arising Ma?opolska
Agencja Poszanowania Energii