Check your hot water consumtion

Water consumption depends on family habits and needs: Average daily water consumption is about 30 litres of hot water (45 C) per person - 30  [litres/(day*person)].

Hawing shower one have to use 25 to 40 l  of warm water (45 C), bath is much more water consuming -  55 to 65 l of hot water (80 C) per bath.

Lets assume that you have electrical boiler (or you can calculate from other units)

Please fill the form and improve your energy bill

Price of 1 kWh of electricity  (your currency) (use 0.1 format)
number of family members (please do not include animals) 
Water consumption l l
Water temperature oC oC
Anual water cost (of your currency) (of your currency)
The price difference between shower and bath is   (of your currency).

How much cost washing in your family

number of family members 
average water temperature 
average water consumption 
on average you pay  daily
or in other words you pay  monthly
or in plain English you have to pay  annually